
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year Letter From My Future Self (The Perks Of Using White Flower Lesson #2)

Lesson #2  On Shaping Your Destiny

Happy New Year My Old Self,

Here I am, a 65 year old man in the company of friends and family waiting for the clock to reach 12 and usher in 2037.  Yes, we've reached this far.  What a big contrast it is from where you are right now in New Year's Eve of 2013.  But let me tell you something about a very important realization in your life as you go through these difficult times.  You are now shaping your destiny.  Every decision, every spoken word, every course of action sets you closer to where I am right now.  And once again let me assure you that I am happy on where we have come to be.

So like a diamond being polished, being perfected by a craftsman, you need to go through stress.  You need to shed yourself.  You need to transform yourself.  And as I recall, the year 2013 did changed us.  These series of events from the start of the year until the last month have changed the way you see things.  And right now, you are starting to LIVE YOUR LIFE...again.

3 Steps To Live Life: 1. Wake up 2. Breathe 3. Repeat... 'sMusings

Speaking of which, in 2013 you started posting in your twitter feed with that #Ronaldo'sMusings and if there was one recurring theme in that hashtag it was LOVE.

If someone would ask me what I have done all my life then I would say "I have loved." 'sMusings

One does not choose to fall in love, one simply chooses to stay in love. 'sMusings

The only failure in life worth worrying upon is the failure to do good things to yourself and to others. 'sMusings

The most precious thing to spend is TIME, the most important thing to share is a SMILE and best thing to give is LOVE 'sMusings

And when you give out love there is no way that you can lose.  Because love begets love.  So continue to give out love.

Another lesson learned in 2013 is about LETTING GO.

I resolve to stop wasting my time on things that don't matter and just focus on the limited time given to me in this world 'sMusings

The moment you let go is when the story really starts to present itself 'sMusings

All things would have to come to an end eventually, whether we like it or not. 'sMusings

Every change in plan has a reason. It takes trust and optimism to believe that it is always for the best. 'sMusings

Letting go allows yourself to learn a very important thing that you need to realize - Trust.  Trust that this is happening to you right now for a good reason.

So to summarize, in order for you to reach your DESTINY -  LIVE LIFE, GIVE LOVE and LET GO.

Hashtag that :)

Chin up kid, things will get better eventually.


YOU @65

P.S.  Time for you to shave...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Perks Of Using White Flower* (and other things you need to know by the time you reach 65)

*White Flower - a traditional oil based Chinese medicine used to treat body aches.  It is normally associated with old people (go figure.)

**This would be a continuing series of the message from my future self.  It is in no way related to the novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." (Yes, there was novel before the movie.  Just like that Hunger Games films. You learn something every day now don't you?)

Lesson #1 On Being Alone

Hey me,

This is Christmas Day 2036,  I am celebrating with our family and friends.  I remember 23 years ago, for the first time in your life, you were spending Christmas Day alone in a cold, far away place.  You feel miserable, you want to give up, you want to go home.  Everything is not going the way you wanted it to be.  Yeah, to you it was time to give up, time to quit.  But you didn't, you kept on.  You picked yourself up and had an epiphany after receiving this post.  And it is that very reason why I am writing you now.  I am writing you once again to tell you something about living alone.

Being alone is good.  Being alone gives you time to think.  It lets you realize what is important in life.  It lets you focus on what was the reason why you decided to move out in the first place.  Don't get distracted by the unimportant things.  Always remember the reason why you are there.  On why you need to make this sacrifice.  Yes, sometimes you need to be alone.  So value the opportunity that you have right now.  Empty yourself out in order for you to appreciate the presence of those who really matter in your life.  Of those you love and loves you back.

Being alone is not entirely that bad as it sounds.  Think about it, you have the toilet all by yourself.  You can get out of the shower naked without anyone noticing.  You can sing and dance like crazy without any remorse.  And not just that think of Kevin of "Home Alone" having the house all to himself.  And by the way, do stay away from that movie during this season.  It wouldn't help.

Here is a list that you do need to do while being alone:

1.  Don't go overboard eating the stuff that can affect your health.
2.  Go easy on the alcohol.
3.  Don't start to smoke (again.)
4.  Go get some more sleep.
5.  Do more exercise.
6.  Give your brain some much needed rest and start by not thinking too much about the future.
7.  Just breathe.

I will not tell you what would happen in the future (you hear that internet police! I am not giving out any future information to myself.  So go away you snoops!)  Now where was I?  Ah yes, you would need to experience by yourself the things that would happen next.  But just to give you a sense of comfort, everything is going to be alright.  Remember, you are never truly alone.

Merry Christmas!

